Dongseo Rehabilitation Center 동서한방병원은 언제나 여러분 곁에 있겠습니다.

    Rehabilitation Center

    Dongseo Rehabilitation Center is doing its utmost to provide patients with its best services in
    rehabilitaion treatment by elevating a rehabilitation concept to a new level through
    segmented treatment system after dividing cerebral and muscalokeletal diseases.

    고유수용성 신경근 촉진법
    Dongseo Rehabilitation Treatment through Rehabilitation Therapoes for Brain Diseases

    Dongseo Brain Diseases Rehabilitation Center is a rehabilitation center for brain diseases to help the patients with physical, mental, and social disability due to brain diseases (stroke, dementia, paralysis, anchylosis, etc.). to the society as a community member. Acupuncture and rehabilitation treatments are simultaneously provided to raise the effects of rehabilitation treatment through oriental medicine that only Dongseo medical system has.

    Cerebral Diseases Rehabilitation Treatment?

    To help stroke patients under physical therapy improve their physical functions and recover, our professional physical therapists are providing various treatments including Rehabilitative Developmental Therapy for Disorder of Central Nervous System, Bobath Treatment Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, etc. For this, the latest treatment equipments fitting into functional states of patients are used for effective treatment.

    매트 및 이동훈련
    Dongseo Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Therapy
    (Cervical·Lumber Vertabra Dise)

    In Dongseo Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Center under Dongseo Oriental Medical Center, kind and skilled physical therapists are providing manual services to musculoskeletal patients using equipments and up-to-date treatment machinery to ease pains, to promote blood circulation, abnormal correction of posture, etc., especially the patients with spinal diseases such as backache, low back sprain, herniation of interbral disc, cervical • lumber vertebra disk, etc. and those who have joint diseases such as outer arthritis, muscular diseases, or aftereffects after traffic accidents.

    Dongseo Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Treatment?

    • Sling Treatment Sling Treatment

      Sling exercises using swaying strings affects the proprioceptive sensibility of a human body, which prevent musculoskeletal diseases from reoccurring, as they act as a stimulant for weakened muscles and joints to be stabilized. This excise program is used for rehabilitation exercises, a very effective and up-to-date rehabilitation method. This program ensures stabilizing exercises depth muscles, balance training, sensor motor training, etc. of painful patients, which was impossible to care through the existing treatments.

    • Functional Manual Treatment Functional Manual Treatment

      Using their hands, skilled physical therapists straighten crooked postures or imbalance of spine, pelvis, and joints by assessing the state of the patient. The functional manual treatment is provided to treat muscular pains due to stiffness designed to meet the muscular conditions of patients like myofasuial release.

    • Self-Exercises Training Self-Exercises Training

      Self – exercises training is provided through training for patients, so that they can straighten their wrong posture caused by bad habits.

    Merits and Demerits of Sling Exercises

    1. Motivation for active exercises and self- exercises is given.
    2. Man and women of all ages can take these exercises without difficulties in joints by reducing the weight like underwater exercises. In a narrow space,
    these functional exercises are available, which are connected to daily life, even obesity prevention through relaxation, ROM, stretching, endurance enforcement,
    sensory motor adjustment, etc
    3. This program is very effective to enforce deep muscles. Deep muscles serve for stability and long maintenance of posture.
    4. This program is also suitable for CKC(Closed Kinetic Chain) exercises (joint protection)
    5. Sling exercises using swaying strings affect affects the proprioceptive sensibility of a human body and prevents musculoskeletal diseases from reoccurring later,
    as they act as a stimulant for weakened muscles and joints to be stabilized. Balance training and sensor motor Training is available.